
Fonts play a crucial role in shaping the visual identity and readability of your site. They help establish the tone and style of your content, making it more engaging and easier to read. Kalium offers a wide range of font options to ensure that you can find the perfect typeface for your needs.

Types of Fonts

We offer several types of fonts:

  • Google Fonts: A vast collection of free, open-source fonts provided by Google.

  • Premium Fonts: High-quality fonts that we have purchased and included for free in the theme. These fonts are available at no additional cost.

  • Adobe Fonts: Fonts from Adobe’s extensive library, accessible with an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription.

  • Self-Hosted Fonts: Fonts that you upload and host yourself on your server.

  • External Fonts: Fonts hosted on third-party services that you can link to from your site.

  • System Fonts: Fonts that are pre-installed on users’ devices, ensuring compatibility and faster load times.

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