
Kalium has a built-in lightbox, which enhances the visual experience by allowing contents of all types to be displayed in an overlay on several sections, including the Blog, Portfolio, and WooCommerce product page. It is fast and responsive, allowing a smooth experience while viewing images or videos.

To edit lightbox options go to Appearance -> Customize -> General -> Lightbox

Settings that lightbox supports are:

  • Color Scheme - There are two types of lightbox themes: Dark and Light.

  • Captions - When available, captions will show below the image.

  • Fullscreen Toggle - Will add a button in the toolbar to view content in fullscreen.

  • Download - Will add a button in the toolbar to download the current viewing image.

  • Counter - Shown in the upper left part of the image, the current viewing image (pagination).

  • Hide Controls Delay - Timeout in seconds after which to activate idle mode.

  • Thumbnails - Shows thumbnails bar below the current viewing media (image or video).

  • Collapsed - Whether to initially display thumbnails bar or just show a button to expand them.

  • Autoplay - Auto change the slides.

  • Interval - The delay in seconds to switch to the next slide.

  • Zoom - Shows a zoom icon in the toolbar.

  • Max. Scale - The maximum scale user can zoom the image.

  • Main Size - Image size for the main image.

  • Thumbnail - Image size for the thumbnails.

Last updated