
The Carousel item type offers a dynamic full-width gallery experience by showcasing images in a carousel format. This layout allows you to feature images in a slideshow that spans the entire width of the page.

You can customize various carousel settings to control the display and behavior of the carousel. This layout type supports images only as gallery items.

Here, you can configure the layout options for the carousel, which can be set to either Default Layout or Centered Content Layout, apart from other project gallery options.

Content Alignment

You can choose between two layout types: Default Layout and Centered Content Layout. These options allow you to align the content either to the left or center it within the page.

The gallery items can have a starting position that can be either Left (default) or Center:

The starting position of gallery items determines the placement of the first image relative to the center of the viewport:

Note that setting Carousel Start Position to Center and having Infinite Loop Slides enabled will not work.

The Project Gallery for the Carousel item type supports images only. The gallery container has the following options:

  • Reveal Effect: Select the animation or transition effect for revealing gallery items.

  • Spacing: Adjust the space between images to fit your layout.

  • Captions: Toggle captions on or off for the gallery images.

  • Maximum Carousel Height: Set the maximum height for the carousel.

  • Carousel Content Start Position: Choose to start from the center or left.

  • Loop: Enable infinite looping of slides.

  • Autoplay: Set the carousel to autoplay with a specified time interval.

  • Items Gap: Define the gap between items for the desired visual effect.

To insert a new carousel item, click Add New and select the Image type.

Each field contains the information regarding its functionality, making it easy to add and configure your images for the carousel.

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