Last updated
Last updated
Installing required plugins for Kalium is straightforward and simple process, typically involving just a few clicks. Each plugin has a brief description of its functionality, version, and action buttons such as Install, Update, or Activate.
To maintain optimal site performance, it’s crucial to install only the plugins you need. While some plugins are marked as required and essential for the theme’s functionality, others are optional and should only be installed if necessary.
Avoid installing extra plugins that are not needed, as they can impact your site’s speed and overall performance. Keeping your plugin list streamlined ensures that your site runs efficiently and provides the best user experience.
If you are importing a , there is no need to install plugins manually. The Starter Site Import process will automatically handle the installation and activation of required plugins for you.
Advanced Custom Fields PRO is the only required plugin for Kalium, necessary for the Parameters and Options area.
For some starter sites, additional plugins may also be needed. These plugins are not required for the core functionality of Kalium but are necessary for the full import and functionality of specific starter sites. They will be automatically installed when you import any of these starter sites.
Login to WordPress Admin Dashboard
Go to Kalium -> Plugins
Click Install button
The plugin will be installed and activated automatically
Login to WordPress Admin Dashboard
Go to Kalium -> Plugins
Plugins that have update are shown clearly with new version information
Click Update button
The plugin will be updated and activated again
When you buy Kalium, it comes with premium plugins like Slider Revolution, Advanced Custom Fields, WPBakery Page Builder, and LayerSlider included for free. We have paid for an extended license that lets us bundle these plugins with the theme at no extra cost to you.
Over time, the plugin authors have added extra features that we’re not allowed to include in our theme. Some of these plugins might ask you to enter a license key for those additional features or for direct support. You don’t need a separate license to use the core features included with Kalium.
You’ll always have access to the latest versions of these plugins with your Kalium theme, so you can enjoy their main functions without any extra charge. If you want to unlock advanced features or get support directly from the plugin creators, you would need to purchase a separate license.