Site Frame

Site frame is an optional feature that can be added to your site where it adds a border around your entire site. It is usually used by creative sites which want to have an unique experience of showcasing their services / products.

To enable the Site Frame go to Appearance -> Customize -> Styling -> Site Frame and click the toggle on the right to enable it:

There are variety of options that allow you to customize the look of the frame and the changes are shown on realtime while you edit them:

  • Color - The color of the border.

  • Width - The width of the border, responsive value.

  • Radius - The radius of the border, responsive value.

  • Animation - The entrance animation when the page first loads.

  • Duration - The duration of animation (in seconds).

  • Delay - The time to wait before animation starts (in seconds).

  • Visible On - Toggle the device viewports where the site frame / border will be shown.

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