Fullscreen item type offers an immersive viewing experience by allowing the gallery to occupy the entire viewport, creating a strong focus on the visual content. This layout is particularly effective for showcasing high-impact images or videos where every detail matters.
In this layout, the description can be set to be collapsed or expanded by default, or hidden entirely, depending on your preference. It’s fully responsive, ensuring that the same impactful experience is maintained across all devices, including mobile.
Fullscreen Options
Here, you can adjust the visibility and display of the description and project information. Available options include:
Content Box State
The content box has three states: Collapsed, Expanded, or Hidden. By default, the content box is Collapsed, but you can set it to Expanded using the Item Description Visibility option. To hide the content box entirely, enable the Hide Project Description option.
You can also customize the text for the expand handle in the Show Project Info text field.
Project Gallery
You can customize your Project Gallery with several options, including:
Auto Play: Set the number of seconds for automatic slide transitions. Leave empty to disable.
The Project Gallery supports images and videos only.
To add a gallery item, click Add New and select from the available media types (image or video).
Each gallery item type has its own set of options with inline explanations for their functionality and usage.
Last updated